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Oxford House is pleased to announce the first annual Oxford House charity golf tournament. All proceeds will go to the local Washington state association of Oxford Houses. We plan on having a first-class event with our amazing sponsors, and local houses, and delegates from around the nation as they are coming in for the 22nd annual Oxford House World Convention. We will be having food and drinks (non-alcoholic) available and providing food for our golfers and sponsors. If you would like to sponsor or play we would love to work with you, this event is during National Recovery month and is a special event considering the passing of our founder.

**Day of Event Details:

Registration: Check-in and Driving Range will open at 7:00 am.

Tournament Shotgun Start is at 9:00 am.

Lunch and Awards to immediately follow the conclusion of the tournament.

OHI Title Sponsor(1 Available)-

Title Sponsor- $15,000

-Your name incorporated into the Title of the Oxford House Annual Charity
Golf Tournament

-A Classic Sign on Banner at Course

-3 Tee Sponsorships

-2 Game sponsorships

-3 Foursomes

OHI Diamond Sponsor(2 Available)-

Diamond Sponsor- $10,000

-Sign on Banner at Course

-2 Tee Sponsorships

-1 Game Sponsorship

-1 Foursome

OHI Gold Sponsor(4 Available)-

Gold Sponsor- $5,000

-Sign on Banner at Course

-1 Tee Sponsorship

-1 Game Sponsorship

-1 Twosome

OHI Lunch Sponsor(8 Available)-

Lunch Sponsor- $2,500

-Sign on Banner at course & food area,

-1 Golfer

 OHI Silver Sponsor(10 Available)-

Silver Sponsor- $1,500 

-Sign on Banner at Course

-1 Golfer

OHI Hole Sponsor-

Hole Sponsor- $1,000

-Table on course, sign at hole, must supply a volunteer available to interact
with players

OHI Bronze Sponsor-

Bronze Sponsor- $500

-Sign on Course

OHI Golf Swag Sponsor-

Golf Swag Sponsor- $250

-Recognition in goodie bag.
**Must Provide Swag

OHI Foursome

Foursome- $340

OHI Individual Golfer

Individual Golfer- $85 per Golfer

-Includes: live scoring, photography, breakfast, lunch, contests, prizes, giveaways and much more!


Offline Registration (PDF)


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